
Merlyn Minty

Innovation is synonymous with change, transformation and metamorphosis. Nowhere is innovation more apparent than in the home. Walking into a new show home equipped with all the bells and whistles can be quite a shock to the system, if you are currently living in an older home.

Years of innovation has provided homes with all sorts of beneficial attributes. Think green for a moment. Numerous changes have been made with heating and cooling systems, insulation, windows, plumbing, and the list goes on. Homes are now much more efficient, which means that homeowners are able to leave a much smaller environmental footprint.

Innovations in home entertainment, lighting and security means that you can control almost anything in your home from anywhere in your home, or from the other side of the globe!

Another significant innovation has to do with the floor plan. Compartmentalized floor plans from past eras have been replaced with open concept designs, which are both pleasing to the eye and more conducive to socializing with your friends and family.

In the past, the number of products available for home construction and design was quite limited. Now, the choice is almost limitless! This allows homeowners to build exactly the way they want and to express their personality and creativity in a very precise and unique manner.

Does all of this innovation exclude older homes? Far from it! The products and methods that are being used in new construction can also be infused into older homes. Here in Manitoba, we are very fortunate to be surrounded by so many renovators, designers and suppliers who have the experience and expertise to transform older homes into updated dwellings, with all the bells and whistles.

Enjoy your summer and happy renovating!

Merlyn Minty
Merlyn Minty
Merlyn Minty, Editor, Winnipeg
4 articles