Join the Canadian Trees for Life initiative


There is a well-known leadership theory that says selecting one word to be your focus for the year will create clarity, passion, power and life changing impact. With this in mind, our word for 2022 is: Trees.

Trees are the world's most advanced breathing machines, a miracle of nature that has not been matched for efficiency and economy by anything created by humankind. We need more of them.

We have all experienced the many health benefits of getting out into nature or 'forest bathing' – breathing clean air, watching wildlife, birds and insects while we enjoy the shade and the quiet. But most importantly, trees efficiently store carbon emissions that help to fight our climate change emergency. While it has always been this way, the number of trees is in decline. We need to act fast to save these miracles of nature and ensure a safe future for people and the planet.

Design trends are finding inspiration in nature, sustainability and bringing the outdoors, inside. Perhaps you've been considering a landscape project for your home, be it a balcony project or a more ambitious endeavour. We also have some expansion plans.

On November 11, 2022, the last tree of the Highway of Heroes Tree Campaign will be planted, marking the completion of a project that has created living tributes to Canadians who have or who are serving during times of conflict. Seven years and $12 million later, more than two million trees will be planted by this date.

This initiative has inspired us to expand our mission through our new national charity, Canadian Trees for Life. Launched in 2021, with $2 million in seed funding from Natural Resources Canada through the federal government's 2 Billion Trees Commitment program, Trees for Life wants to continue the momentum started last year, right across Canada. We planted more than 270,000 trees in 2021, and we are aiming to double that number in 2022.

Trees for Life's primary objective is to mobilize community-based tree-planting initiatives across Canada. Using our insights and networks, Trees for Life will provide Canadian tree-planting organizations with the tools, resources, and horticultural trade networks to enable them to grow existing tree-planting initiatives, implement new ones, and educate their communities about the value of trees.

If you haven't got your one-word focus for the year, consider 'trees', for all the life-changing impact they bring.

Join us in assisting communities across Canada to dramatically increase their tree canopies:

  1. Donate and share our message of hope and possibility with your friends and family.
  2. Suggest a project or a public space that could benefit from the addition of trees.
  3. Incorporate a few trees into your renovation plans.
  4. Sign-up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date on our progress.
  5. Follow us on our social channels.
Mark & Ben Cullen

Mark Cullen is a Member of the Order of Canada. He reaches more than two million Canadians with his gardening/environment messages every week. Ben Cullen is a professional gardener with a keen interest in food gardening and the environment. You can follow both Mark and Ben on Twitter (@MarkCullen4), Facebook ( and Instagram ( Receive their free monthly newsletter at

Mark Cullen & Ben Cullen
Mark Cullen & Ben Cullen
Mark Cullen is a Member of the Order of Canada. He reaches more than two million Canadians with his gardening/environment messages every week. Ben Cullen is a professional gardener with a keen interest in food gardening and the environment. You can follow both Mark and Ben on Twitter (@MarkCullen4), Facebook ( and Instagram ( Receive their free monthly newsletter at
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