Announcing DDA Canada regions


DDA Canada is creating Regions to better deliver value to all its members across Canada. Regions replace Chapters. Chapters helped DDA Canada to grow into the most influential association for decorators and design industry professionals in Canada. Chapters were modelled on the national board of directors and were effective in supporting membership for 30 years. As membership has expanded across Canada and spread beyond a few cities, and the national office has taken on more responsibilities, the Chapter model has become less relevant and effective. After several years of virtual-only events, it’s time to add back the in-person local events that we all want to attend. That’s where Regions come in.

Regions are being created in every province or territory where DDA Canada has members: BC; Alberta; Saskatchewan/Manitoba; Ontario; Quebec; and the Atlantic provinces. Each Region will provide virtual events to all DDA members within the Region, to ensure that every member (no matter how remote they are), is able to connect with other members. In-person events will also be created at the local level, wherever we have an opportunity to bring design professionals together with suppliers.

Regional Directors will be responsible for overseeing all regional activities. Regions will also be supported by a Regional Coordinator, who will manage virtual events and provide administrative support for the local in-person events. Local Liaisons will organize and run local in-person events in their communities. Local Liaisons are the real heroes of this transition, as they are the “boots on the ground,” who know their local markets and are willing to create events of interest to design industry professionals in their area. If you’re interested in volunteering, contact for more information.

The transition to Regions will provide more in person events, professional development, product knowledge, showroom visits, networking and more growth and connection. In other words, this new Regional approach will provide more of all the things members enjoy about the DDA. If you are currently a DDA member or a past member looking for more support, this is an exciting time to a part of the community. As the organization fills in the volunteer positions, you will see more events coming online in more areas than ever before. If you are an Affiliate member (supplier to the design industry), you have the opportunity to host local events. If you are an Accredited or Student member, you will have more opportunities meet other like-minded design professionals. If you aren’t yet a DDA Canada member, you can learn more on our website, or reach out to for more information.

DDA Canada
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